[netatalk-admins] getting ever closer

Subject: [netatalk-admins] getting ever closer
From: a sun (asun@saul6.u.washington.edu)
Date: Mon Jul 26 1999 - 14:21:37 EDT

hi all,

i've made available pre-asun2.1.4-33.tar.gz in
ftp.u.washington.edu:/public/asun/testing. please let me know if it
does the correct thing for you. in this snapshot, we get the following
        1) i changed the default volume icon to the os x server
           one. you can specify -I (-icon in afpd.conf) to get back
           the old one.
        2) i went through and fixed a bunch of compile-time issues.
        3) following denny@geekworld.com, i changed the device type
           for ddp on solaris.

here's the plan if i don't get any complaints:
       1) due to the large number of changes that have been made, i'll
          be upgrading the version to asun2.2.0. that will become a
          bugfix-only branch.

       2) i'll start an asun2.3.x branch for lots of spiffy new
          features. these include:
          a) overhaul of the permission stuff.
          b) massive utilization of a catalog database.
          c) closer integration with samba.
          d) creation of an afpclient program.
          e) general cleanup of the code. i'd like to make libatalk
             thread-safe, for instance.
          f) improved server-side support via ipc.
          g) overhaul of the printer code.
          h) plus a whole lot more.


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