addition: re: [netatalk-admins] bind: Cannot assign requested address

Subject: addition: re: [netatalk-admins] bind: Cannot assign requested address
From: Liam Helmer (
Date: Wed Aug 04 1999 - 19:43:36 EDT

I'm also using a 3COM 905 Card... I found that kind of an interesting

Afpd works fine...


PS, has anyone had any luck getting a shared Act 2.8 file to work on a
netatalk server? Is there anyting I should know? The files are fine -> I
can copy them from the server to another Apple server and they work, but
there's an "Error Openning Database" when I try them on the linux server.
I've checked permissions, everything, but the lack of useful message is
making it difficult to figure out.


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