netatalk updates (was Re: [netatalk-admins] Weird Permisons)

Subject: netatalk updates (was Re: [netatalk-admins] Weird Permisons)
Date: Thu Sep 02 1999 - 12:27:21 EDT

   drwx--Srwx 4 dkam users 1024 Sep 2 00:06 Network Trash
   drwxr-sr-x 3 dkam users 1024 Sep 2 04:02 jade1.2 Folder

the above is because netatalk doesn't implement AFP permissions
correctly. that's on the todo list to fix. anyways, i think i'll take
this opportunity to lay out my current schedule for the next version
of my patchset.

here are the things on the to do list:
     1) fix something i broke with appletalk on os x server
     2) incorporate the ncsu kerberos iv server code.
     3) incorporate whatever wes sends me.

i might also stick in some arbitrary character mapping for filenames
as well, but i might not as the kerberos code will take a little bit
of time to incorporate.


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