RE: [netatalk-admins] AppleShareIP supported

Subject: RE: [netatalk-admins] AppleShareIP supported
From: Martin Welk (
Date: Thu Oct 21 1999 - 06:44:12 EDT

On 21-Oct-99 Jean Richelle wrote:

() Is there anything special to do for that ?
() (Sorry if the question appears to be very naive, I'm new at compiling
() netatalk !)

You need netatalk 1.4b2 with the asun patches, I think (I'm not that
deep into netatalk that I know the version numbers very well) -
we use netatalk-1.4b2+asun-2.1.3 here.

As TCP/IP is some very native Unix protocol O:^), I didn't find anything
that is especially needed - you can run netatalk without Apple EtherTalk
(IP only) as well (it will never appear in any MacOS Chooser, but you can
use it via "server address").

Look at the example config files and read the man pages (no RTFM in my
intention, but they give good explanations to basic things), there's
described how you enable EtherTalk and/or AppleShare/IP.

At all, we found netatalk to be some of those nice gizmos doing their job
without much whining and/or problems except full shares (which is not a
real netatalk problem) and we use it for our primary file server (netatalk
and Samba in cooperation, about 17 GByte yet online, six Macs and three
Windows boxes currently using it) and for updating our web server (another
machine with AppleShare/IP only) :-)



FreibergNet Systemhaus GbR                   Martin Welk * Sales, Support
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