Re: [netatalk-admins] persistent DID

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] persistent DID
From: Benjamin Gilbert (
Date: Sat Nov 13 1999 - 00:04:15 EST

At 11/11/99 4:43 PM, Robert B. Bell ( wrote:

>What is the current state of "presistent DIDs"?

As I understand it -- someone can correct me if I'm wrong -- it doesn't
completely exist. Some groundwork has been laid, and it was in
pre-pre-alpha stage for a while, but it appears that asun has decided to
change implementation strategies (by generalizing the DID database into a
database that can hold other file attributes also) and so we may not be
very close at all to a usable version. asun's gone quiet recently, and
not a whole lot of development is being done at the moment, so I'm not
sure that static DIDs are going to happen any time soon.

--Benjamin Gilbert

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