Re: [netatalk-admins] afpd error messages (Was: End the Beta!)

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] afpd error messages (Was: End the Beta!)
From: Hauke Fath (hf@Melog.DE)
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 05:05:05 EST

At 18:44 15.11.99 -0700, Ron Chmara wrote:
>Andre Pang wrote:
> > Sorry, let me re-state my intention: I'd like to get this NT-mounted
> > AppleShare volume tunneled through ShareIP for _free_ ;).
>1. Reformat NT server to a more _free_ OS. Linux or FreeBSD.
>2. Install Netatalk.
>3. Duplicate NT services that were on old server with Samba.
>No so hard, is it? :-) (I know of a publishing industry consultant
>who calls this his "NT performance upgrade".)

Another one: One of our NT servers that provided SMB and Atalk file
services was upgraded to NetBSD 1.4.1 running Samba 2.0.5b (built from
package) and Netatalk-asun2.1.4 (compiled out of the box). The whole
lot (4 disks, ~28 GB) and two other *nix servers (another 9 GB) is backed
up to a Tandberg SLR5 (4 GB uncompressed) by Amanda (built from package).

The machine runs seti@home to chew up some of the redundant CPU power (PPro
200) and still is faster than it was with NT before.

Given the problems I see on netatalk and amanda lists NetBSD looks like a
premier server platform of choice: Any software that was conceived with
more than one *nix in mind will build and run on it.

My 2 Pfennig,


Hauke Fath                        Tangro Software Components GmbH
                                         D-69115 Heidelberg
hf@Tangro.DE                       Ruf +49-6221-13336-35, Fax -21

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