[netatalk-admins] SUMMARY - atalkd dies away / buy which NIC

Subject: [netatalk-admins] SUMMARY - atalkd dies away / buy which NIC
From: Lars (lars@netpage.de)
Date: Tue Nov 16 1999 - 19:01:12 EST

I found the "problem". Reinstalling the packages 'nssv1' (was not
installed) and 'libc' from series 'a' & 'd' did the "trick" (remember this
was SuSE6.2).

'libc' - the C libraries (duh)
'nssv1' - run glibc-2.0 programs on a glibc-2.1 system

I installed the 3com905BTX in the server and it seems to have picked up
some speed on the G4 450 though seldom hardware crashes are giving me hard
time with the server (all log files look good - so my hardware has to be
the culprit).

Will keep you all informed. Maybe we can make this place more informative
rather than a "blackboard of problems".


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