Re: [netatalk-admins] Samba & Netatalk

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Samba & Netatalk
From: Hauke Fath (hf@Melog.DE)
Date: Fri Nov 19 1999 - 12:07:50 EST

At 08:51 19.11.99 -0800, Jon Doyle wrote:
>Is there a way to not show all the hidden files and resource forks? Users
>are complaining that on a Win-Tel box 9Samba) all the directories have the
>.AppleDouble and other files like the icon. Is there a parameter I can use
>to hide these in NetAtalk or in Samba?

Sure can do. From my /etc/samba/smb.conf:

         delete veto files = Yes
         veto files = /.AppleDouble/.AppleDesktop/Network Trash

(line 2 is wrapped). The {ICON,Icon} entry does not work for me, btw; there
is a control char in the filename.


Hauke Fath                        Tangro Software Components GmbH
                                         D-69115 Heidelberg
hf@Tangro.DE                       Ruf +49-6221-13336-35, Fax -21

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