[netatalk-admins] CD-ROM sharing?

Subject: [netatalk-admins] CD-ROM sharing?
From: Jaime Kikpole (jkikpole@cdcsd.k12.ny.us)
Date: Mon Dec 06 1999 - 07:31:26 EST

        Recently a librarian in my school district showed me a program that she
wanted to offer to the students. The license of the program said that sharing
it out over a LAN was OK, even if only one license was purchased. My first
thought was that this was great, but we don't yet have a CD-ROM tower. Is it
somehow possible to use afpd as an application server in this situation?

                                                        Thanks in advance,
                                                        Jaime Kikpole

Network Administrator
Cairo-Durham Central School District

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