Was: [netatalk-admins] which version? Is: Lan performance / linear Raid

Subject: Was: [netatalk-admins] which version? Is: Lan performance / linear Raid
From: Lars (lars@netpage.de)
Date: Wed Dec 08 1999 - 05:43:21 EST

on 00:53 08.12.99 , Benjamin Gilbert wrote ">"

>I would go with pre-asun2.1.4-36a. There are some important bug fixes in
>there vs. 2.1.3, and it seems stable enough.

just followed your advice. Everything works well but: PERFORMANCE is bad.
This was benchmarked with Helios Lantest on a 100Mbit node, G3 266 (beige)
and linux 2.2.13 with a 3com 905btx (3com's drivers).

with pre-asun2.1.4-36a.tar.gz:
file write/read (3000k) - 7xxkB/sec / 10xxkB/sec

with pre-asun2.1.4-35.tar.gz:
file write/read (3000k) - 1xxxkB/sec / 10xxkB/sec

This is on my private/experimental "net".

For the speed freaks among us (like me):
(benched with HLantest) I / we have reached beyond the 10MB/sec on a
433Celeron (linux 2.2.13 / 3com905btx / Dlink 1024 switch) serving to
gray/white G4's and some green/white G3's (some are slower, some faster
:-| ). Due to the nature of a switch and the elimination of packet
collisions, even the G3 266 powerbooks (10xxkB) have profited with much
more stamina while getting files which another user is getting also.

I have merged a 9GB IBM SCSI with a 27GB IBM IDE in linear mode. As always
everything seems to be running smoothly. The setup was quit a bit off of
the RAID HOWTO. If interested, feel free to contact me for details.


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