Extra Credit

Up to twenty-five (25) additional EXTRA CREDIT points can be earned. This can substantially affect on your grade! If you elect to do an extra credit assignment, you must sign up no latter than the sign-up date (see Course Outline for date). Late sign-ups and changes in assignments are unacceptable. You “officially sign-up” by giving the professor a sheet of paper with your name (printed) in the upper right hand corner. In the center of the page write down the extra credit assignment you want to do. Extra credit points are added to the total points earned. You can participate in only one of the two major extra credit assignment, in addition to the extra, extra credit assignment. This semester, there are only two (2) extra credit choices. [Electronic submissions are not accepted.]


Assignment #1. Participation in a Personal "Body Makeover" Program (25 points total)

Participate in a personal weight management and exercise program. This program must be for at least 10 weeks duration. You may do this with a “buddy”, but you must write-up your own paper. Go to this LINK for more detail.

Assignment #2. Biography (15 points total)

Writing in the third person as if you were your own biographer, review your experiences with respect to food and body weight regulation, starting from birth to now. In your biography, you should deal with the following topics: body weight history; major influences on the development of your eating and energy expenditure and weight management behaviors, including parental, social settings, cultural and ethnic background, geography, and gender specific issues, if any. How has your experiences with respect to food, weight loss/gain, body image and body weight history influenced your behavior with respect to choice of friends, choices of activities, choices of careers, and feelings about yourself? Describe any behaviors that illustrate either a positive, negative, (or both) approach to weight management. Project forward to the age of 45 and predict what your view of yourself will be with respect to body weight management. What will be the major struggles you foresee, if any, in your striving to maintain an optimal body composition. This assignment requires that you do a little personal history investigation and “self-analysis.” The purpose of this assignment is to sensitize you the many different influences in the area and to critically analyze and assess your own food-body weight history. There is no restriction on length of this assignment but it must be at least a minimum of 8 pages in length (typed, double spaced, regular margins).

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