Session #1 - e-Mail and FTP Protocol

In Class Objectives

During this session you will learn how-to do the following:

  1. Learn the structure of the UM computer environment.

  2. Learn about remote access to your UM file space.

  3. Launch an FTP session and move files from a host computer to your IFS space.

  4. Save attached files to IFS and then read them.

  5. Manage files in your IFS space.

  6. Navigate quickly and easily through the UM file directory system.


General Instructions

To complete this assignment you will need to download, via ftp, two documents to your computer ("Mystery.doc" and famous.bldg.gif). You will send an email (to your MVS110 lecture instructor) describing the Mystery.doc . You will also identify and send (as an attachment) to your MVS110 lecture instructor the image (famous.bldg.gif) you downloaded to your computer.

Part 1. e-mail

In an email to your MVS110 instructor briefly describe the contents of the Mystery.doc.

Part 2. File Transfer Protocol (FTP)

  1. Use either Secure_FTP (for Windows users) or FUGU (for Mac users), or any other FTP application you may have. [NOTE: each FTP program may have different commands and ways of operation.]

    Step 1. Access your personal IFS space by launching an FTP session.

    Step 2. Navigate to the Public Folder of your IFS space and create a new directory (folder) . Call this new folder "MVS110l". [Note: this folder must be located inside your Public folder.]

    Step 3. Change directories to get to Professor Katch's mvs110l Public Course Folder (/afs/ Within this folder find the document "
    famous.bldg.gif" and FTP it to the mvs110l folder you just created in your IFS space.

    [If you have done this correctly your have gone through several steps: Found your IFS space; found your Public folder; created a new folder in your public space; changed directories and opened your professor’s academic public space – and found the folder for mvs110l; located a specific file and transferred it to your computer; changed directories and transferred the file to your mvs110l folder in your public space.]

    Step 4. Look at the document (image) you transferred and see if you can identify the object (hint this building used to be located where the current Chemistry building now stands, you will have to do some digging to identify it). Send this picture as an attachment (with title: "building.famous.gif") to your MVS110 instructor as part of the above email. Identify the building in your email.


Grading Guidelines

Send email to instructor on time 1 point
Email has correct subject heading (Assignment 1 MVS110Lab) 1 point
Provide a description of Mystery.doc 2 points
Email has attachment 2 points
Attachment name (building.famous.gif) 2 points
Name of building 2 points

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