Jose Canseco

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Jose Canseco was born in Havana, Cuba.  Jose came to the United States at a very young age.  Canseco grew up playing baseball in Miami, and by his senior year of high school, the Oakland Athletics already had their eye on him.  They drafted him in 1982. However, he did not play is first full season until 1986 (12).  Jose’s entry into the league created a heightened interest in baseball when he teamed up with Mark McGuire and became a part of the "Bash Brothers," duo known for hitting homeruns.  In 1988, he became the first player to hit 40 homeruns and steal 40 bases in one season. He received a unanimous vote for the most valuable player award that same year(13).  The following season, Canseco led his team to its first World Series in over a decade.  He gained most of his fame in his first few years and retired in 2002. 
            In 2005, Jose’s book, Juiced: Wild Times, Rampant ‘Roids, Smash Hits & How Baseball Got Big, was published. The book provided information about the extensive use of steroids in MLB.  He admitted his own use and named a handfull of other players as well, resulting in a massive investigation by MLB and Congress.  These investigations led to stricter drug testing policies for baseball players and brought the steroid issue to the attention of the public.  While Jose’s career was impressive, it is his book that will forever leave his mark on baseball.