
Powell Perng—Editor-in-Chief
Powell is currently a senior dual-majoring in Biomedical Engineering and English, and has always been interested in reading his friends' writings. He was inspired to start a literary journal last year for the College of Engineering after a great experience working with Xylem literary magazine of the Undergraduate English Association.

Grace Hsai—Co-Managing Editor
Grace wishes glitter came in bigger boxes and Michigan bordered Florida and California. She also wishes clouds could taste like candy, high heels could clip into bike pedals, and time-turners could manipulate the fabric of time and space.

Kathy Lu—Co-Managing Editor
Kathy Lu's main purpose in life is to use math, science, and compassion to save the world.

Jeffrey Chang—Fundraising Chair
Jeffrey is a second-year student majoring in computer science, and his interests include chess, reading, and drawing.

Aric Velbel—Submissions Chair
Aric Velbel is a third year CSE major and Linguistics minor studying natural language processing. In the free time he wishes he had, he would read science fiction and practice Bach's keyboard works.

Divya Gupta—Editing Chair
Divya Gupta is a sophomore majoring in Industrial & Operations Engineering. She enjoys eating, reading, baking, and oxford commas.

Micah Paul Bennet—Layout Chair
There are two things that Micah absolutely loves: pole vaulting and media. Because it is unlikely that the former will yield any job opportunities, he has decided to major in computer science, where, hopefully, he can make enough money to support his athletic endeavors. He would ultimately like to work for Adobe Systems. Picard was Micah's favorite captain.

Vinayak Thapliyal—Website Chair
Vinayak is a first-year engineering student hoping to do Computer Engineering. He plays the guitar and loves almost any kind of music. In addition to that, he’s also into digital art and design. Also, he thinks Google is awesome.

Rebecca Wozniak—Publicity Chair
Rebecca is a first-year student in the College of Engineering. She can usually be found drinking coffee, correcting grammar, and doing math homework when she is not out traveling through time and space in a large blue police box.

Shivank Sharma—UMEC Representative
Shivank is a mechanical engineering graduate student. He used to write a lot when he was a kid, and is willing to reach back to his roots and participate creatively.

Dan Rodak—Staff
Dan is a freshman in the College of Engineering. He is in the first ever living arts living learning community. He loves guitar, film, and writing!

Dr. Elizabeth Hildinger—Blueprint Faculty Advisor