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Becker, M. H.; Chua, P.; Downham, R.; Douglas, C. J.; Garg, N. K.; Hiebert, S.; Matsouka, R. T.; Middleton, J. A.; Ng, F. W.; Overman, L. E. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 11987-12002.




Scientists have been intrigued by the complex molecules that can be found in marine environments.  One of these such molecules is Sarain A.  Sarain A is a molecule found in the sponge, Reniera Sarai.  It is interesting that such a simple creature possesses such a complex molecule, so researchers would like to synthesize it to understand possible mechanisms for its production in nature.  There are many challenges that had to be faced in order synthesize this molecule, but ultimately its synthesis was accomplished. 

Buster: Mom is becoming a little controlling.

Michael: What tipped you off? When she locked you out on the balcony again?

Buster: That was half my fault. I thought I saw a graham cracker out there.