SSG 5.2: Escape the Avalanche!
Reaction Scheme

O’Malley, D.P.; Li, K.; Maue, M.; Zografos, A.L.; Baran, P.S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2007, 129, 4762-4775.

      About the Hikers!    


You are a member of team SSG 5.3, a group of scientists embarking on the treacherous journey of hiking Mount Organic.  This mountain has many dangers, most important of which are avalanches.  It is imperative that you are aware of the avalanches that might be present while you are on the hike, and that you are prepared to deal with the situation safely.  Luckily your other team members have prepared this website to educate you in avalanches while teaching you about mechanism (+)-78 to (+)-79, which is also very important to your survival on this journey.  Follow the links to become well versed in the knowledge that will help you and your team members to complete the trip safely.