About Us









Christopher Shih

Chris Shih is an expert Pokemon Master, capturing all 719 pokemon in all six generations. His contributions to the Johto pikachu community have been enormous and all pikachu tend to flock to his residence, regardless of the location. He was able to clean sweep the final Johto battle, not even losing one of his pokemon in the process. In a recent interview about his endeavors in the Johto region, he stated "Dragonite stood no chance against my flock of Pikachu. I may have gone through 53 Pikachu's but they were all wild so I only possesed 6 pokemon at a single time."

He also is enrolled in the University of Michigan, even though sponsorships from the Professor Oak Foundation of PWLP (People Who Live for Pokemon) give him sufficient funds. When asked about his reasons for enrolling full-time and continuing to reign at the top of the Pokemon world, he always replies "Pika Pika!" for some odd reason.

This has led critics accusing him of cheating and taking PED's (Pokemon Enhancing Drugs). In order to become one with the Pokemon, critics hypothesize that his aspirations for become an Electrical Engineer are due to his secret lab which has machines that read the minds of Pokemon. The data is then implemented into Chris' mind, creating an immediate bond between his pokemon and himself. Whether or not this theory is true, the world will never know.


Qiuhan Li

Qiuhan has always wanted hulk's muscle. However, his Asian genes do not work with his dream. Fortunately, he has good knowledge of chemistry, so he started his experiment of the total synthesis of strong-cillin-profen, which can help him get hulk's muscle.

After finishing one hundred complicated, difficult, and dangerous steps, he finally reached the last step-purification. He ran column chromatography again and again, but he still did not get the pure product. He was so angry until he met his friend iron man. He borrowed iron man's iron suit and put it in hydrochloric acid. Now, he is wandering on the street, wearing his Fe(Cl)2-covered suit. His dream final became true! (although he forgot his suit would become red after a short time of exposure of oxygen.)


Ali Farhat

As far as you know, Ali is a first-year student in the College of LSA. He is majoring in biochemistry and mathematics, and will be working at Dr. Yuanfang Guan’s Computational Medicine Lab this summer. He most certainly is not, nor has he ever been, a master cryptographer for the NSA, and absolutely is untrained in the art. Your theories are ridiculous. Go away before we subject you to the memory gun.