Display Windows and Shop Signs:

The Importance of a Shopfront


We shopkeepers spend considerable amounts of time and money on the interior decoration, fittings, and most importantly, the windows of our shops. My personal favorite, as you can see by my striking shop window, is the bowed-window. These types of windows allow greater space for displaying my wonderful silks and velvets. I try to display an abundance of choices in an attempt to make shoppers greedy, and then I use the brilliant lighting to help entice the shopper inside, {17} but don't you tell anyone my secrets! I also try to use a symmetrical arrangement; it's more pleasing to the eye. I work hard each day to keep my shop window sparkling clean. And, of course, with the continually-changing fashions, we merchants have it the hardest of all the shopkeepers in trying to keep our display windows up to date. Can you imagine how my store would flounder if I didn't spend so much time on the display? It got you to come inside, now didn't it?

Although the display window helps to advertise my goods, the sign outside my shop is a much more effective way to advertise my store. As the number of shops in London continue to grow, it is very important for me to have an intricately designed shop sign that tells where I am located. It is important to come up with a clever and original symbol. In my case, I used the Indian queen. And if you happen to hear the scandalous story about the shop sign, don't give it another thought! It is complete silliness, I tell you! The only reason that the shop sign fell and tore off the front of the house over in Bride Lane was because it wasn't hung properly. You can bet that old shopkeeper got an earful from the rest of us! Those poor innocent people, God rest their souls, lost their lives. Now because of the public outcry Parliament is trying to pass a Proclamation to have all the signs removed. {18} How do they expect us to advertise? Well, I suppose we could use the trade cards, but it isn't the... well, i've gone and lost myself haven't I?


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