What's New - 12/2/2013 (PM_v2.7)

Unfunded Agreemements (UFAs) now in eRPM

UFAs (e.g., Non-Disclosure Agreements, Material Transfer Agreements, etc.) will now be entered, reviewed, and processed in eRPM.

For further details about this change and step-by-step instructions for working with UFAs in eRPM, consult the following resources:

Subcontract (SUBK) Amendment Workspace Reminder

When an amendment is initiated on a SUBK (state=SUBK Amendment in Progress), a message will display in the SUBK Amendment workspace reminding project teams to execute the Submit Amendment Request activity.

SUBK Amendment Workspace

Changes to Proposal Approval Form (PAF) Research Activity Questions

As a result of the University of Michigan Office of Research (UMOR) Biologics Task Force, a number of wording and question-order changes have been made to section 5. Supporting Information - Research Activity.

For details on these changes, please refer to the November 21, 2013 RAN Meeting Presentation.

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