Graduate Experience Project


Recognizing the importance of research in graduate education, The Graduate Experience Project encourages women students to seek out significant research opportunities at the University of Michigan (UM). This fellowship, jointly funded by the UM and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, is available to both Master's and Ph.D. students. We hope this funding will provide opportunities for Master's level students to participate in research, opening doors for further educational pursuits. These funds will also allow Ph.D. students to begin or continue their research over the summer, enabling them to complete their degrees in a timely manner.

Selected students will receive two (2) months of support from the Sloan Summer Fellowship (for a total of $2,600) which must be matched with two (2) months of support from the department or faculty member with whom the student is working. This will provide the student with a total of $5,200 for four (4) months of research over the spring-summer term. Funding is contingent upon this cost sharing agreement.

Women graduate students in the fields of engineering, chemistry, physics, and applied physics who are enrolled for the 1998-99 academic year are eligible.

Nominations need to be submitted by supporting faculty or department.

Evidence that this research opportunity will contribute to the student's academic experience.
Evidence of satisfactory progress toward degree completion.
Quality of research experience.

Faculty in the engineering, chemistry, physics, and applied physics departments are encouraged to submit nominations by April 2, 1999. If a faculty member is submitting multiple candidates, please provide the students' names in order of priority. Four copies of all nomination materials should be provided and include the following:

Awards will be announced by April 9, 1999. Students will be required to provide a summary of their research completed during the summer by October 8, 1999 for submission to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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