






      I am a geek of many things. :-)

      I think kids are awesome - from being a summer school teacher and day camp counselor long ago, I'm now lucky enough to get to help kids for a living, as a pediatrician and a pediatric oncologist in training, learning to help kids with cancer. And I still get to volunteer at summer camp, romping with my patients.

      I think science is awesome - Mars rovers, particle coliders, xkcd,exotic sea creatures at the bottom of the ocean and black holes in the depths of space, Cosmos and A Brief History of Time and just thinking about how things work and science big and small. I now lucky enough to get to do science for a living, a biomedical engineer who became an MD/PhD, studying how to engineer better adult stem cells and kill cancer stem cells, as part of the NIH Progenitor Cell Biology Consortium.

      I think music is awesome. I fiddle all kinds of music on the violin, from classical with the new Johns Hopkins Symphonic Ensemble, to Celtic as a rookie member of The Homespun Ceilidh Band and jam sessions with friends, sing with med school choirs and madrigal groups and soundtrack musicals with friends while camping.

      I think dancing is awesome. I am lucky to have many friends who are incredible dancers, and I've tried to pick up a few steps here and there. Swing, contra, English Country and Italian Renaissance, ballroom - I'm new and still learning, but dancing is an incredible amount of fun.

      I think the outdoors are awesome. Hiking, canoeing, sledding, geocaching, biking, camping, horseback riding, kite-flying - anything and everything outdoors. In all seasons, from the ocean to the mountains, I enjoy exploring with friends the natural beauty of this country, from coast to coast.

      I think games and gaming are awesome. Game days with friends with Catan and Carcassone and Puerto Rico and Tsuro, role playing tabletop and PBeM, creating adventures with friends and a bag of d6s/d20s in all different systems and settings. Video games, too, charging into battle with Shepard and Ezio, the Jedi Exile and Chell and playing just-one-more-turn in Civilization and Alpha Centauri.

      I think science fiction is awesome - the Browncoats, the Dendarii Mercenaries, the Royal Manticoran Navy; Coruscant and Caprica and Caladan; the Bajorian wormhole and the Kessel Run and Serenity Valley; sonic screwdrivers and Stargates and Big Damn Heroes. I think fantasy is awesome - the Shining Walls of Tar Valon and the turrets of Winterfell, the towers of Avalle and the Weyrs of Pern, the Ride of the Rohirrim and lilacs on the Glorious 25th of May.

      Anime - Rurouni Kenshin and Studio Ghibli and Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Neil Gaiman and Gail Simone and Paul Dini, Alex Ross and Charles Vess, Girl Genius and Atomic Robo and Usagi Yojimbo and so many, so many more. The geek universe is a glorious, glorious place, filled with wonderful fellow geek friends, and I love the length and breadth and depth of it.

      I've been blessed with loving parents, an awesome brother, and many, many marvelous friends all across the world, from a life richly filled with happy adventures. And that's me and my interests in a nutshell. :-)

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All materials copyright Jeffrey Huo, 2010