MVS 330

Assignment P2

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Introduction Section and Videotape

The purpose of this assignment is to record your movements on videotape, to find scientific literature related to your project, and to write the first draft of the Title page, Introduction, and References section of your project report. Here's what you need to do:

1. Create your Title page. Create a document for your Title page, Introduction section, and Reference section. Save the document as "intro1" and put it in the "text" folder on your ZIP disk. Create your Title page following the instructions for content and format given in the Project Requirements document.

2. Write the first draft of your Introduction section. Write the first draft of your Introduction section following the instructions for content and format given in the Project Requirements document. This text should be placed on the page following the title page in the "intro1" document created above.  To create a new page, insert a page break at the bottom of the Title page.

3. Conduct a MedSearch session and create your References section. Conduct a MedSearch session to find at least two articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals that relate to your project topic. Write your References section following the instructions for format given in the Project Requirements document. This text should be placed on the page following the Introduction section page in the "intro1" document created above.

4. Review the Videography Tutorial. Follow the instructions for viewing the Videography Tutorial on the computer. Also, read the Hints for Successful Videotaping. The quality of your motion data is highly dependent on how well your videotaping session is conducted. Pay close attention to details!

5. Videotape your two movements. Plan your videotaping sessions and follow ALL the instructions in the Videography Tutorial and Hints for Successful Videotaping. Videotaping of both movements must be completed by the beginning of next week's lab session. You will need to check out a Hi-8 video camera with a tripod and lights from the Instructional Technology Lab (ITL)

    6. Consent Form. Make sure the consent form is signed by each subject. You will not receive credit for the course if you do not turn in a signed consent form to the Lab Instructor.

    7. Make backups of your work. Make 3 identical copies of your work. Copy the contents of your team's most up-to-date ZIP disk to the other two team member's ZIP disks before leaving lab.

    8. Give your facilitator a copy.  Have your facilitator copy the contents of your team's ZIP disk to their ZIP disk before leaving lab.

Due at the beginning of lab next week. See Class Schedule for due dates of all assignments.



Here's what you turn in (50 pts total):

1. Printouts to your facilitator (35 pts total)

- Title page  (10 pts total)
- MVS 330 header (1pt)
- title length < 57 characters (1 pt)
- only first word of title capitalized (1 pt)
- team name (1 pt)
- each team member's name and uniqname (3@1 pt each)
- facilitator's name and uniqname (1 pt)
- descriptive title (2 pts) 

- Introduction section (12 pts total)
- "INTRODUCTION" in all caps (1 pt)
- blank line after "INTRODUCTION" and each paragraph (1 pt)
- citations correctly formatted (2 pt)
- at least one reference cited (1 pt)
- quality (7 pts)

- References section for format check (13 pts total) 
- "REFERENCES" in all caps (1 pt)
- using correct references style (2@1.5 pts each)
- blank line after "REFERENCES" and each reference (1 pt)
- include copy of first page of article (2@1 pt each)
- relavance of reference to project (2@3 pts each)
2. Videotapes of both movements (10 pts total)
- videotaping completed for both movements (2@5 pts each)  
-be too fast
-obscure your joint markers
-have joint markers in the wrong places (not on anatomical landmarks)
-not be completed between the two referene markers
3. Signed Consent Form to lab instructor (5 pts)




Melissa Gross , Ph.D. -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Revised 9/99
©1996 Melissa Gross