Written Assignments
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Most weeks a written homework assignment and book report will be assigned. Students should plan to complete these assignments on time; however, the grade structure is designed so that skipping one or two still allows students to attain a good final grade. All assignments will be described during a class prior to their due date; students are responsible for checking with the instructor if they are not entirely clear about what is expected. Assignments will be eligible for full credit only if they are turned in during the class at which they are discussed; assignments turned in after that time will be eligible only for half credit. All written work should be typed with double spacing, and be no longer than essential to communicate what is required, generally only one or two pages. Students' name, date, type of assignment (i.e., homework, book report, or group report) should be placed in the top right corner. Succinctness and insightfullness are both important.

BOOK REPORTS: (25 points for each accepted book report)   Most weeks a book relevant to the topic at hand is assigned. Students should plan to write a book report on each of these books. The author and title of the book, as well student name, should be included on the top of each page. Reports should include a summary of the message of the book, its implications to issues about aging, and the weakness or limitations. This discussion should concentrate on your analyses of the message of the book, including your evaluation and reasoning about its credibility, importance, and implications. Students will be expected to discuss the books assigned for each class. Therefore, book reports should be completed by the day assigned. Book reports will be eligible for full credit only if they are turned in during the class at which they are discussed; book reports turned in after that time will be eligible only for half credit. Book reports will only be returned if they are not accepted for full credit, in which case students will have one to redo them for half credit.

HOMEWORK: (25 points for each accepted book report)   Homework assignments typically will require students to complete some independent reading and/or research, summarize it in writing, and be prepared to present or discuss it during the appropriate class session. Homework will only be returned if they are not accepted for full credit, in which case students will have one to redo them for half credit.

GROUP REPORTS: (50 point for each group project)   Several times during the term, assignments will involve group work. These assignments will require students to work closely with classmates, preparing a group presentation and written report.

JOURNAL: (up to 125 points)  Students are encouraged to keep a personal journal recording outside thoughts and experiences relevant to the class. Throughout the term, students are encouraged to think about ways what they learn in class can enhance their understanding of everyday experiences (e.g., how they interact with old people and how they think about their own aging). Students also explore material outside class that can enrich their understanding of the course material (e.g., interview people of different ages, especially the old, about issues discussed in class, rent videos, go to movies, watch TV programs, read articles, explore Internet sites, and visit places relevant to the old). Set up a notebook, and on days they have something is worth recording, enter the date and provide a brief description of the context and experience or insight, and discussion of your impressions and reactions. Inclusion of concrete material is helpful (e.g., copies of newspaper articles, cartoons, or pictures). When relevant, students should share material from their journal with the class. Journals are worth up to 125 points, and are due on Monday, 4/12. They will be graded as exceptional (125 points), good (100 points), weak (75 points), marginal (50 points), or unacceptable (0 points).