Psychology 372, Lab in Psychopathology

Fall 2000

Instructor: Ann Shields (
Office: 2255 East Hall; Office Hours: Thursdays 10 a.m. to noon
Mailbox: 2229 East Hall

 Lab Sections:


Th 4-5:30

221 Dennison

Christine Trask


Th 4-5:30

229 Dennison

Chantal Follet


Th 4-5:30

237 Dennison

Chris Fletcher


T 4-5:30

1372 East Hall

Christine Trask


T 4-5:30

237 Dennison

Chantal Follett


T 4-5:30

205 Dennison

Chris Fletcher


Barker, C., Pistrang, N., & Elliott, R. (1994). Research methods in clinical and counselling psychology. New York: Wiley.

Course web page:

The web page will include the course syllabus, as well as outlines for each week’s lecture (updated on a regular basis throughout the semester).

Prerequisites: PSYC 370 (or equivalent course in abnormal psychology). A basic statistics course (e.g., STAT 402) is highly recommended but not required.

ECB certification: Successful completion of the written work in this course satisfies the Upper-Level Writing Requirement, but it is your responsibility to modify the course for this option via CRISP. Modify your discussion section, not the lecture. You must modify the course before the end of the drop/add period. Contact the Sweetland Writing Center (formerly known as the English Composition Board) for more information: 764-0429.

Over-ride policy: Class size is limited by enrollment in the labs (20 students each). There is no waitlist for the course, but the course can be added via CRISP if and when students drop the course. Please do not ask us for over-rides! As much as we’d like to help, we are not able to accommodate extra students in the labs.

Research opportunities: By far the best way to learn about research is to participate in an ongoing research project. Check out the Department of Psychology's web site that lists research programs seeking student volunteers to help out:

Lab Assignments: The lab component of this course can be challenging, as we will be asking you to think critically about the topics covered in lecture and to apply these concepts to five different writing exercises during the term. We encourage you to start early on the written assignments and to seek guidance from your lab instructor with any questions you have about a particular assignment prior to the due date. Assignments should be turned in to your GSI during your regular lab meeting EXCEPT for Assignment 4, which should be turned in at Monday’s lecture.

Exams: Two exams will cover the material from the lecture and readings. The final exam of the semester is not cumulative, and both exams will be held during class time. Each exam will have about 40 multiple choice questions (2 points each) and about 10 fill-in-the-blank items (2 points each). A review session for each exam will be held in your lab section during the week prior to each exam. There will be no formal review in lecture, but I do hope that you will bring your questions about exam material to the lecture, too. I will start each lecture prior to the exam with a question-and-answer period, and we’ll take as long as needed to cover any questions you may have.

Grades: There is lots of writing in this course, and your grades are weighted to reflect the time and energy that you will spend on these lab assignments. Final grades are based on written assignments for the lab (65 percent) and on two exams that cover the terms and concepts covered in class and readings (15 percent each). The remaining 5 percent of your grade will come from your work in lab, and your GSI will give you details about how this will be determined when you attend your first lab session. Grades will be calculated on the 100-point system (100-99 = A+; 93-98 = A; 91-92 = A-; 89-90 = B+; 83-88 = B; 81-82 = B-; 79-80 = C+; 73-78 = C; 71-72 = C-; 69-70 = D+; 63-68 = D; 61-62 = D-; 60 and below = F).

Missed exams: You are expected to take exams as scheduled except in the case of documented emergencies (illnesses, injuries, serious family emergencies). To be excused from an exam, you must present written verification from a physician, dean’s office, etc. If one of these situations arises for you, please contact me as soon as possible (preferably before the exam date). Exams must be made up within one week of the exam date, and all make-up exams are essay exams. (Note: Emergencies do NOT include job interviews, social activities, or exams/assignments in other courses.)

Late assignments: We expect you to turn in all papers on time. If for some reason you are unable to do so, please contact your lab instructor as soon as possible to work out a solution. Late papers will be subject to a reduction in grade.


Course Readings

Lecture Schedule

Lab Schedule


Lecture Outlines

Lecture Outline2