U-M ITS Web Hosting


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Please note: Services listed on this page are available to schools, colleges, and departments of the University of Michigan. They are not available to individuals at U of M, nor to individuals or groups not affiliated with the University of Michigan. Billing requires a six-digit account or the appropriate chartfield information. Please contact webmaster@umich.edu for more information.

Virtual Hosting:

A virtual host provides web service at a specific domain name while stilll offering the access control and management functionality of an AFS directory. It optionally includes functionality not available on the "www.umich.edu" gateway servers. Features include:

  • Apache on hardened Linux
  • Flexible Apache configuration
  • name-based virtual hosting
  • Multi-homed to maximize load balancing and availability.
  • Machines located in multiple production server rooms.
  • 24 x 7 expert monitoring
  • Includes PHP
  • MySQL service if desired.
  • SSL Available
  • University of Michigan Single-Sign-On (SSO) based on Kerberos password authentication with LDAP authorization available ( requires SSL ) via Cosign at weblogin.umich.edu
  • Files served from IFS home directories, which include robust filesystem backup and directory-level access control
  • Mail forwarding available

Current hosts include:

Note: Sub-domain requests for the umich.edu domain are governed by the Standard Practice Guide section 601.15-1. The creation of such a domain requires the written authorization of the unit director, provided to the UM hostmaster: ( hostmaster@umich.edu ).

To start the process of setting up a group IFS home directory visit this page.

Once you have an approved domain name and Group IFS home directory, sign up for virtual hosting here.

SSL Server Certificates:

InCommonCA Certificates (2048-bit): Available at no cost:

Rather than obtaining a per-certificate discounted price, the InCommon Federation has negotiated a flat annual rate for obtaining unlimited SSL certificates. The University of Michigan is participating in this arrangement, which will cost substantially less than we were paying vendors for the limited number of certs we ordered individually in previous years.

Since we are no longer paying "per certificate," ITS has decided to make the InCommon Certificate Service a common good, and will no longer charge campus units purchasing the certificates under this arrangement.

Intermediate/chain certs for InCommon are available here. Note:The InCommon intermediate used to sign certs was updated in Fall 2023. Use the "New" listings for InCommon certs issued after that time.

Use the Web Application Sign Up (Wasup) service to request an InCommon certificate. You will need to generate a CSR by following your server's instructions. You will also need a 6-digit University shortcode and name of the authorized signer for to complete a request. That account will not be billed.

Application Development:

We develop mission critical tools, applications, and web sites for campus.

Our software projects include: directory.umich.edu, webfs, www.umich.edu news management utility, umce accounts, spg, online uniqname/account creation, cosign, mod_ometer, the ITCS showcase online catalog, and many others. Please see our software section for source, documentation, and access to our public CVS tree repository.


We are often called upon to provide assistance and expertise around campus. This takes many forms, but includes: webmaster mail direct support, gateway team, wolverine access support, providing accessibility assessments, standards, wwwsig, etc.