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Computing the Information Variables

To produce the probabilities tex2html_wrap_inline1000 used in equation (3), we estimate an individual-level probit regression equation using ANES data from the preceding presidential election, at time tex2html_wrap_inline1060 (Miller and the National Election Studies 1986), based on tex2html_wrap_inline1062 , where tex2html_wrap_inline1064 denotes a vector of survey opinion variables and the disturbance is assumed to satisfy tex2html_wrap_inline1066 . To measure vote choices we used self-reports (1984 ANES var. 787, 788), omitting those validated not to have voted (var. 1130). tex2html_wrap_inline1064 contains a constant having the value 1.0 and seven other variables. Four variables count the number of mentions for each of the open-ended party likes and dislikes items: number of likes about the Democratic party (var. 266-271); number of dislikes about the Democratic party (var. 272-277); number of likes about the Republican party (var. 278-283); number of dislikes about the Republican party (var. 284-289). Two variables measure retrospective economic evaluations, referring respectively to the nation's economy over the past year (var. 227) and to family finances now compared to a year ago (var. 139); values of DK or NA are treated as missing. The seventh variable is the feeling thermometer for Republican presidential candidate Reagan (var. 290); values of NA are treated as missing but responses of ``doesn't recognize name'' or ``don't know where to rate'' are assigned the middle value of 50. An observation missing data on any variable is omitted from the analysis (i.e., listwise deletion). We use the estimated parameters with data for the same variables from the midterm ( tex2html_wrap_inline1072 ) ANES to compute tex2html_wrap_inline1074 . The variables from the 1986 ANES data are var. 72-95 (likes and dislikes), var. 372, 355 (economic evaluations) and var. 130 (Reagan feeling thermometer) (Miller and the National Election Studies 1987).

Walter Mebane
Sun Sep 12 22:08:13 EDT 1999