Re: [netatalk-admins] asun 2.1.2-2 on FreeBSD 2.2.6 and MacOS 8.5.1

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] asun 2.1.2-2 on FreeBSD 2.2.6 and MacOS 8.5.1
From: Brian Reid (
Date: Tue Jan 12 1999 - 00:33:23 EST

I see this problem too, and I've been waiting for somebody else to
mention it. There are certain files on my server that, if the Mac tries
to copy the file, it will fail every time. Here "fail" means that the
server icon vanishes from the Mac and there is an error message saying
"read error". I'm running FreeBSD 2.2.7 and asun 2.1.2-2

It happened just as often on MacOS 8.1; I don't think this is a MacOS

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