Re: [netatalk-admins] asun 2.1.2-2 on FreeBSD 2.2.6 and MacOS 8.5.1

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] asun 2.1.2-2 on FreeBSD 2.2.6 and MacOS 8.5.1
From: a sun (
Date: Thu Jan 14 1999 - 00:53:17 EST

   This AppleDouble file has a bad magic number. I don't recall off
   the top of my head what it should be, but it shouldn't be all 0's!
   Let me take a stab in the dark - did you upgrade from netatalk
   1.4b2 to an asun version at some point in the past? If so, I can
   make a pretty good guess about the problem.

that's what the problem is. the next pre-asun2.1.2 i release will have
that check turned into a "hey. your ad header is bad. i'm accepting it
now, but you'll need to run 'adv1tov2 -v1compat' when you upgrade to
asun2.2.0." right now, i currently have things set up so that the
differences between asun2.2.0 and asun2.1.2 will pretty much get
toggled by a #define. in the future, i'll remove that as it does tend
to add a bunch of #ifdefs to the code.

what i want to do now is make sure i fix a bunch of on-disk things as
we migrate from ad v1 to ad v2. here's what i currently handle:
        1) file dates to ad header epoch (on the fly)
        2) 0-magic/0-version headers (only via adv1tov2 -v1compat)
        3) Icon^M -> Icon:0d (via adv1tov2)
        4) v1 -> v2 (duh)

am i missing anything?


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