[netatalk-admins] reliability question

Subject: [netatalk-admins] reliability question
From: Mike O'Connell (Michael.Oconnell@Colorado.EDU)
Date: Thu Jan 21 1999 - 15:51:33 EST

Hi all,
  I've been asked to admin a fileserver for PC and Mac, using NT. I'd MUCH
prefer to use some flavor of UNIX to do the job, for obvious reasons. My
question is, how reliable is netatalk in serving from a Solaris or Linux
(Intel) machine ? Are there a slew of tweaks to add in order to do so, or
can a basic fileserver be expected to dish out various sound, text and
other files without too much modification in a reliable manner. Uptimes
would help me make my pitch, I'm sure, but more detailed triumphs and
horror stories would help me get a broader view of netatalk's

  Mike O'Connell
  Linguistics Grad student CU-Boulder

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