Re: [netatalk-admins] filelock prolbems with filemaker pro

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] filelock prolbems with filemaker pro
From: a sun (
Date: Thu Feb 04 1999 - 21:17:37 EST

   I have a problem filemaker pro files on netatlk server. If more than one
   person tries to open a filemaker file on netatalk server, the server
   locks the file and filemaker says something like "The file can't be
   opened because this file can't be opened for wiriting". So second
   person can't open the file until another person closes it. I am using
   multuser mode in filemaker. So I shouldn't have problem like this. This
   file locking works perfectly well on any other files, but I understand
   that filemaker does differenet locking mechanism. If someone knows how
   to solve this problem please help me!

this is because filemaker is probably using byte locks to do its
deeds. netatalk still does not support full byte locking although it
is on my todo list. the only thing preventing what is currently in my
patchset from working is the need to honor byte locks within the same
process. i probably should add that in soon, but i keep forgetting as
no one really complains about it.

so, if you aren't going to open the same document multiple times on
the same computer, add -DUSE_FCNTL_LOCKS. let me know if it works for


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