[netatalk-admins] pre-asun2.1.2-7 available for testing

Subject: [netatalk-admins] pre-asun2.1.2-7 available for testing
From: a sun (asun@saul4.u.washington.edu)
Date: Sun Feb 07 1999 - 18:18:02 EST

hi all,

i actually made quite a few changes to this snapshot, so please pound
on it.

in any case, here's the deal with what this version does:
   1) fixes a couple bobbles with the netatalk-990130 merge

   2) reduces the number of statically allocated buffers used

   3) it actually compiles in pre-asun2.2.0 mode now.

   4) fixes a bunch of stuff in the fork code. it now does more error
      checking. also, i made the behaviour of FPWrite match the
      specs. i.e., modification dates don't get set unless you
      actually flush or close a fork.
      NOTE: this should fix the problem with QuarkXPress opening

   5) finishes the "noadouble" option. when you specify this option
      in your AppleVolumes file, it changes the behaviour of
      .AppleDouble creation. now, it only creates the directory if you
      need space for a resource fork.

      NOTE: many files actually have resource forks even though they
      don't need them, so you may inadvertantly create a .AppleDouble
      directory when you copy a file over.

if your interested in more detail, read the ChangeLog.


location: <ftp://ftp.u.washington.edu/public/asun/pre-asun2.1.2-7.tar.gz>

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