Re: [netatalk-admins] No server in Chooser

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] No server in Chooser
From: a sun (
Date: Mon Feb 08 1999 - 14:10:27 EST

> When switching from FreeBSD 2.2 to 3.0, you'll need to (re-)install the
> appropriate package for netatalk due to a change in the kernel interface
> for link-layer multicast addresses.

   I've done this and still have the same problem on FreeBSD 3.0. At the
   moment I am using an Intel Express 10/100, I'm going to try a another card
   when I get a chance.


i just took a look at the multicast code that's in freebsd. it turns
out that it doesn't do the right thing when you get your zones from
the network. go to etc/atalkd/multicast.c and edit the following line:
     bcopy(ethermulti, LLADDR(&sdl), sizeof(ethermulti));

to look like the following instead:
     bcopy(data ? data : ethermulti, LLADDR(&sdl), sizeof(ethermulti));

you should be much happier now.


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