Re: [netatalk-admins] Solaris 2.7 and printing ...

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Solaris 2.7 and printing ...
From: Anthony Brock (
Date: Mon Feb 08 1999 - 16:27:23 EST

>I just came across your mailing to the NetAtalk list and was wondering
>if you could throw some info my way about how you got netatalk working
>with Solaris 2.7 (or Solaris 7)?
>All I want to do is print to a bunch of AppleTalk Laserprinters. I have
>downloaded Adrian Sun's pre-2.1.2-5 but can't get it to compile on my
>Ultra 5 with Solaris 2.7.
>Which netatalk distribution did you get to work? Which compiler did you
>use? What mods did you make to the Makefile?
>Thanks for any help you can provide.


First, I used gcc-2.8.1 compiled on a Sun Sparc Ultra 10.

Second, I have tried and failed to get netatalk working on Solaris 2.7 when
using the 64-bit system. So, I reinstalled my system with the 32-bit
system. Once running 32-bit, I was able to compile and run netatalk with
no modifications to either the source code or the makefiles. Also note, I
installed the solaris operating system (server version) using 'Entire
distribution plus OEM' option (in other words, I dumped everything onto the
harddrive the installation would allow).

I have NOT managed to get anything from Adrian Sun to function. However, I
have not tried his latest(greatest?) release. I am serious debating if I
will have the time to try and get it working this week (since his latest
announcement leads me to believe it is based of the latest U of Mich code).
Therefore, I have used the U of Mich code found at:

Once installed and running, I followed the instructions found in the
INSTALL/README.SOLARIS file to setup the initial printing. However, on my
installation of solaris, the directory created by lpadmin for the printer
is /etc/lp/printers/PRINTERNAME, NOT /etc/lp/PRINTERNAME

I also changed the ownership of the .paprc file to lp:lp

Finally, I have not yet successfully setup print-services FROM a Mac to a
LaserWriter through the unix. However, printing TO the LaserWriter from the
Unix works fine.

Let me know if I need to clarify or omited something,


Anthony W. Brock Directory of Network Services George Fox Univerisity

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