Re: [netatalk-admins] Adding Printers in Solaris

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Adding Printers in Solaris
From: Stew Benedict (
Date: Sat Feb 20 1999 - 05:32:01 EST

Sloloris has a Tcl/Tk program admintool that makes adding printers easier.
If the printers are already in place and functioning under Solaris, and
are postscript, you can just use the pipeline technique, Solaris seems to
prefer this syntax over the lpr method: lp:| lp -dhpiii: or whatever your
printer name is. ('lpc status | more' should give you a list). If they are
not postscript, you'll need to use ghostscript or something else as a
filter. I've written a simple tclsh script that pipelines the print data
through ghostsript, because papd complained about the length of the lp:
line when I tried to put all the gs options in papd.conf: (the set outhdl
line should be all on one line)


set outhdl [open {|/usr/local/bin/gs -q -sColorMode=CMYK -sPrintQuality=normal -
dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=hpdj -sOutputFile=- - -c quit | lpr -Pdeskjet } w]

while { ![eof stdin] } {
        gets stdin buff
        puts $outhdl $buff

close $outhdl


     The power in technology lies in getting it to
          work the way you do, we can help.
Stew Benedict *** AYS Enterprises *** IRC: 18063833
      Phone/Fax: 216-228-3983 Pager: 440-302-6438

On Fri, 19 Feb 1999, Michael Mercier wrote:

> Anyone out there know how to setup printers with netatalk on Solaris?
> --
> Michael Mercier
> Department of Information Technology
> University of Lethbridge

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