[netatalk-admins] Chooser problem

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Chooser problem
From: Kevin Quick (k.c.quick@open.ac.uk)
Date: Wed Mar 03 1999 - 08:11:56 EST

Linux server with pre-asun 2.1.2-8 and libdes.

After logging in a user tries to check the box to open a connection to the
server during startup and get the following error message.

An Error occurred while saving information to the Appleshare prep file
(Disk locked or full?)

Dimissing the dialog allow the user to continue to log in without checking
the box.

Any answers to this problem please.

Kevin Quick
Asst. Computer Officer
Faculty of Technology
The Open University

Internet Mail: k.c.quick@open.ac.uk

     The best thing to run under Windows is radiator pipes

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