Re: [netatalk-admins] Server disconnecting itself

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Server disconnecting itself
From: Tim Carlson (
Date: Wed Mar 03 1999 - 18:10:52 EST

On Wed, 3 Mar 1999, Yann Bizeul wrote:

> Hello... I have a problem with my server, I need it to keep connection all
> the time to a station, because this station has a scripted folder on it
> (that is, I use MacOS 8.5), but after a while (some hours) the mac tells
> me the connection with the server has been lost...
> I have the latest natalk+asun 2.1.3...

This may be unrelated, but recentlty, my netatalk 2.something server
started dropping connections about every 5 minutes. Turns out that this
machines (which is also my NTP master) was switching the time back and
forth by an order of 4 minutes due to the fact that one of the higher
stratum NTP machines was sending out a bogus time.

Turning NTP off (or at least taking the bogus host out of the server list)
fixed the problem.

So this may be unrelated, but clock shifts do make for a not so stable
Netatalk server.


Tim Carlson Voice: (505) 984-8800x255
Director of Computing: Santa Fe Institute Fax: (505) 982-0565
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