[netatalk-admins] following links with Netatalk

Subject: [netatalk-admins] following links with Netatalk
From: Matthew Temple (manager@hhmiw3.med.harvard.edu)
Date: Wed Mar 10 1999 - 13:52:57 EST

I've been searching the netatalk mailing list but haven't seen this. If
I've missed it, my apologies.

We set up a computer for storing images. Users have a /home/<username>
directory and each user has a directory on a large partition on another
drive, say /mnt/ext/<username>. In each home directory, I created a
link to the directory on the large partition.

When a user connects via Netatalk, the directories look fine and MOST
files can be added or deleted with no trouble, however Photoshop files,
once placed onto the large directory (presumably the link is dereferenced)
cannot be deleted and give an "error -50" response when you try.

If a user creates an "AppleVolumes" file listing the large partition
(/mnt/ext/<username> images), then all works fine. Then there is
no link in the path.

Is there something I'm not understanding that explains this behavior?


Matthew Temple Tel: 617/432-7696
HHMI / HMS Genetics Computing Fax: 617/432-7663
Harvard Medical School
200 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 Matthew_Temple@harvard.edu

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