Re: [netatalk-admins] Problems with sherlock searching netatalk

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Problems with sherlock searching netatalk
From: a sun (
Date: Wed Mar 17 1999 - 15:01:52 EST

   I don't exactly understand this. Netatalk has always "pretended" to have
   persistent DIDs. If I go do a "Find" and then click on an item, surely
   the DID would have been persistent that long -- I haven't unmounted the
   volume! What is this "underlying problem"? Is this the "incorrect
   ordering of CNIDs that you're talking about?

i guess i should have been clearer here. if you turn on volume level
file numbers, the mac will use FPCreateID, FPResolveID, and
FPDeleteID. all these are AFP 2.1 features, so sherlock shouldn't
really need them to work. now, to get FPResolveID to work, you really
need a database. however, it turns out that when you do a find file
with Sherlock, it asks you to resolve an ID of 0. that's an illegal
value to use.

after some poking around, i did find out some information that seems
bizarre. it looks like sherlock is asking for information about the
root of the parent directory. as that doesn't really exist, i don't
think that's really allowed. i'll ask the powers that be what kind of
response sherlock might be expecting in such situations. it actually
exposed one of those "what do i do with this unexpected data" bugs in

   That seems pretty odd. My guess would be that Sherlock creates an alias
   record for each file that it finds, and stores a reference to that for
   when the user clicks the item. Creating an alias should resolve for items

with macos 8.5, the alias manager knows how to deal with changing
dids. in any case, everything is fixed during a single session, so
that shouldn't make a difference anyway.


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