Re: [netatalk-admins] installation question: Solaris 7

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] installation question: Solaris 7
From: David S. (davids@fruitfly.BDGP.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Thu Mar 18 1999 - 19:32:15 EST

On 19 Mar, John Browning wrote:

> yes. your friend and I have the same problem. I hadn't tried the A Sun 2.1.3 and now I have and it does the same thing as the umich 990130 -- which is the not attaching thing under 64-bit sol7, compiled with gcc 2.8.1. Fine to there, though.

Well I can report that 'pre-asun2.1.4-2.tar.gz' compiled with the demo
version of Sun's WorkShop 5.0 C compiler works fine under a 64 bit
Solaris 7 kernel on a Sun Ultra 5.

David S.

> John Browning ||| 71 Richmond Ave ||| London N1 0LX
> t + 44 171 700 1230 ||| f + 44 171 700 5255

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