Re: [netatalk-admins] new admin question: ppds and timeouts

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] new admin question: ppds and timeouts
From: Jason F. McBrayer (
Date: Wed Mar 31 1999 - 16:17:44 EST

I'm writing to summarize responses to a previous query, for the sake
of having an answer in the archives.

My problem was timeouts in papd when connecting from LaserWriter 8
(8.5.1), causing the Macs (MacOS 8.1) to freeze up. The cause of the
problem turned out to be (as I had suspected) PPD files with incorrect
line-ending conventions. Adobe supplies PPD files in both DOS (CRLF)
and Mac (CR) formats. I converted my PPD files to Unix convention
(LF), and everything is swimming.

Thanks to everyone who responded.

| Jason F. McBrayer     |
| The scalloped tatters of the King in Yellow must hide Yhtill   |   
| forever.                    R.W. Chambers _The King in Yellow_ |

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