Re: [netatalk-admins] Password Encryption

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Password Encryption
From: The Wolf (
Date: Thu Apr 01 1999 - 13:49:46 EST

Well, there you have it.
I got the impression that the afpd.conf file was optional unless you wanted
to set up virtual servers.
As soon as I added the line as you suggested, whamm-o, I was getting 2-way
encryption accross the wire.
Your help is greatly appreciated!


>$ man afpd
> -authall
> Allow NoUserAuthent, Cleartxt, AFS Kerberos, and
> Kerberos IV authentication methods (default).
>OK, this is not very obvious, but "-authall" does *not* include all auth
>methods, but only those listed. In afpd.conf, add:
>- -randnum -rand2num -noauthall -noclrtxt
>and any other option you'd like to have.
>Note that in this case *every* user must have a ~/.passwd. Nobody can log
>in with cleartxt anymore.
>For all who are wondering where this text in the man page comes from: it's
>in the FreeBSD port for asun-2.1.3. (I'll send you the relevant patches
>tonite, Adrian).
>Mühlendamm 12 | Voice +49-40-256848, +49-177-3504009
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