Re: [netatalk-admins] mac to linux file transfer

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] mac to linux file transfer
From: fred orispaa (
Date: Tue Apr 06 1999 - 06:41:06 EDT

>You didn't say what FTP server you ran on the Macintosh.

its some generic little daemon, simply named ftpd.

>Ah! man mount is your friend. I'll snip the relevant portion:

super. it worked. at least, i now have read/write access on the dos
partitions. however, another problem arose. it (the mac) starts the
transfer, but gives me an error code -50 (whatever that is. i love these
mac error codes). i can transfer to the linux partitions just fine. anyway
it leaves me with a 0 byte file.

>So, you can setup gid=100 (or whatever your users group # is), and the
>umask=770, and voila!

what exactly is umask? i didnt set this (just in case by some miracle that
happens to be the problem).

thank for your help. any more suggestions would be appreciated.

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