Re: [netatalk-admins] AppleTalk-IP with Linux ipddp

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] AppleTalk-IP with Linux ipddp
From: Ephraim Franzzup (
Date: Tue Apr 27 1999 - 14:17:38 EDT

>>I am trying to set up AppleTalk-IP Decapsulation on a
>>SuSE 6.0 Linux machine, which has kernel 2.2.5-ac6 with ipddp,
>>netatalk 1.4b2+asun2.0a18.2 and MacGate 1.14 installed.
>What are you using for the physical stuff? the COPS card?

No, let me explain that again. :-)

My Linux box is doing AppleTalk and TCP/IP on Ethernet.

My AsanteTalk bridge is connected to the Ethernet on the one side and
a LocalTalk network on the other side, it bridges AppleTalk packets
between the Ethernet and the LocalTalk networks. However, the
AsanteTalk has no awareness of IP.

My Duo is on the LocalTalk network. It can talk AppleTalk with the
Linux box because the AsanteTalk bridge is bridging it to the

Due to the fact that the only type of network packet that exists on
LocalTalk is an AppleTalk packet, the Duo cannot speak native IP to
the Linux box.

However, back in the distant mists of time when LocalTalk was the norm
for Macs, a protocol was introduced, called IPDDP or IP over DDP, that
encapsulates IP packets inside AppleTalk packets. To use this, you set
the Mac's TCP/IP stack to use the transport layer called "AppleTalk
(MacIP)" rather than "Ethernet". You also need a server that handles
the encapsulation/decapsulation, Apple's "MacIP" software used to do
this but is now mostly obsolete as it does not run on Open Transport.

These days, the Linux kernel supports the ipddp protocol, and the
MacGate package by Jay Schulist is supposed to handle what is called
"AppleTalk IP Decapsulation", i.e. allowing an AppleTalk-based client
such as my Duo to use IP over the IPDDP transport layer.

Unfortunately, I can't get it to work, probably because I don't
understand it well enough.

>You could look at linux kernel documentation or ask macgate's author.

That's the problem, the kernel docs are very terse and written for
people more knowledgeable than me. I also sent mail to the author, but
have received no answer, perhaps he has other things on his mind. :-)

>The afpd working may just be due to the netatalk spitting out
>appletalk stuff. IE, does afpd with -noddp work in the current

No, I meant to indicate that the Duo can talk AppleTalk with the Linux
kernel, because it can see the afpd.

The Duo has no IP at this stage, because it can't even negotiate (over
AppleTalk) a connection to the MacGate ipddp gateway - probably
because I set it up wrong.

So, I am basically just really eager to find some more documentation
on the subject, or even just on the subject of how the idppd
encapsulation/decapsulation works in general, and how the MacIP-style
client-server negotiation works in particular.

Thanks anyway,
Chris Ferebee
cf at ferebee dot net

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