[netatalk-admins] yet another snapshot

Subject: [netatalk-admins] yet another snapshot
From: a sun (asun@saul10.u.washington.edu)
Date: Thu Jun 10 1999 - 14:59:08 EDT

hi all,

pre-asun2.1.4-27.tar.gz just changes the configuration a little. it
should compile a little more cleanly on more platforms now. in
addition, i changed the uam stuff a little. here's what's different:
          1) it installs in LIBDIR/uams now instead of ETCDIR/uams.
          2) added a type filed to the user authentication modules so
             that i can distinguish between server and client uams.
          3) changed the prefix from uam_ to uams_.

#2 and #3 allow both client and server uams to be in the same
directory (the client uams will have uamc_ as the prefix) and have the
server/client detect a bogus uam type. note: this means that you need
to re-install the uam stuff and edit your afpd.conf if you're using
the older way of doing things.

in addition, i've added a CONTRIBUTORS file and a distrib
directory. the distrib directory will hold the various spec file bits
for rpm and dpkg. the CONTRIBUTORS file is empty now, but i plan to
fill it in with all the various people that have helped with

in particular, if you've been helping me with bug reports and porting
issues, please make sure to send me an email reminding me. as people
get more involved with particular parts of netatalk, the CONTRIBUTORS
file will be partitioned to reflect that.


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