[netatalk-admins] Solaris 2.6/FDDI problem

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Solaris 2.6/FDDI problem
From: Landgraf, Victoria (landgrvi@mcmurdo.gov)
Date: Tue Jun 15 1999 - 07:48:37 EDT

All --

  Thanks very much for the replies to my problem (posted a couple of weeks
ago). I had to back-burner it myself, since we were doing a big network
cutover, but have now started to wrestle with it again.

  Stefan, you may have hit the nail on the head with your suggestion to
upgrade to the newest driver. I'm now running the 2.0 SunFDDI/P driver
instead of the 1.0 version, and have noticed a significant improvement:
atalkd now gets and seems to understand the zip_gnireply packets, in that
atalkd.conf gets filled in correctly, getzones works, and the like. There's
still something wrong, though. Syslog now says:

Jun 15 11:09:23 illusion atalkd[465]: rtmp_packet bad hop count from 1.39
for 49424
Jun 15 11:09:23 illusion atalkd[465]: rtmp_packet bad hop count from 1.39
for 21334
Jun 15 11:09:23 illusion atalkd[465]: rtmp_packet length and count mismatch

and similar messages from other addresses. This continues until I shut down
atalkd. My server, alas, does not appear in any mac's chooser.

  I notice, looking through the archives, that Albert Lai had this problem
on totally different hardware last year in August. Anybody (especially
Albert) remember what was wrong?


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