[netatalk-admins] Appletalk <=> Ethernet

Subject: [netatalk-admins] Appletalk <=> Ethernet
From: wasp@linuxfreak.com
Date: Tue Jun 15 1999 - 06:21:20 EDT


I have somewhat complicated network: two segments of ethernet
and one appletalk. Ethernet and appletalk are connected by EtherLan
print+ device. It advertising itself as: EtherLanPrint+ 5590:DRSI Spooler
(taken from nbplkup).
Q: Can I run on macs in appletalk network TCP/IP apps like telnet?
Someone has do it? How?

Best regards.
PS. Server has netetalk running on linux 2.2.9.

.-.  .-.----.----.----.    --- Piotr Waskiewicz * WasP ---
| |/\| | -- | ---| -- |    ---      UIN: 5654159       ---
|  /\  | ,. |--- | ,--'    ---   wasp@linuxfreak.com   ---
`-'  `-'-'`-'----'-'       --- piotrwas@altavista.net  ---

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