Re: [netatalk-admins] redhat 6

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] redhat 6
From: Dan Horth (
Date: Thu Jun 24 1999 - 20:06:47 EDT

John - it would be helpful if you could send in log file clippings showing
what's actually happening as netatalk starts up - I've found from my
experiences that problems can be sorted out quite readily by checking log

also I would suggest joining the Appletalk on linux mail list as this seems
to carry more "how do I fix this netatalk problem" type questions rather
than the development related issues that pop up here...

there's also a handy archive search facility there...

Cheers, dan.

ps. feel free to mail me log clippings if you need help deciphering what's
going on...

At 12:36 PM -0400 24/6/99, John Barnett wrote:
>I tried Inoue Koichi's netatalk rpm, but I still get the same results:
>AppleTalk not up! Child exited with 1.
>bind: Cannot assign requested address
>bind: Cannot assign requested address
>I've tried loading & unloading the appletalk module, recompiling it,
>but I always get the same error message. Any suggestions?

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