Re: [netatalk-admins] Samba/Unix File Management vs. Resource Forks?

Subject: Re: [netatalk-admins] Samba/Unix File Management vs. Resource Forks?
Date: Fri Jul 16 1999 - 12:59:59 EDT

The issue of Win95/98 or NT clients moving NT SFM (Services for Macintosh)
and losing the resource fork is related to NTFS vs. FAT volumes. The NT SFM
depends on an NTFS volume to maintain the 'Macness' of the file. MS calls
the file structure multi-streamed files. A Mac SFM file contains (I
believe) 3 streams for the data fork, resource fork and the custom Finder
info (i.e. icons).

If a Windows-based operator moves this multi-streamed file from an NTFS
volume to a FAT volume, Windows Explorer just DOES it - without
complaining. But, in doing so strips all but the data-fork stream. Moving
SFM files from NTFS volume to NTFS volume works just fine. We do it all the
time (even over an IP WAN).

At Friday, 08:42 AM 7/16/99, you wrote:
>The interesting thing about this whole discussion is that
>AFS on NT Server does nothing to handle the situation
>of a PC moving a Mac file that has a resource fork.
>I remember a couple of years ago, when we were using System 7
>sounds for a bunch of content development, the creative guys
>would come to me saying their sound files were suddenly of
>size 0 bytes.
>Turns out the Mac guys would put the files on the server,
>then one of the creative types working on a PC would move
>them to a different drive or just move them around and poof,
>gone was the resource fork - THE important part of a System 7
>sound file.
>We pretty much trained the Mac side not to put anything with
>a resource fork onto the NT server, except for a volume set
>up exclusively for that purpose. And the PC people were prevented
>from moving things found in that "Mac Only" folder.
>Robert G. Palmer, Jr. 1009 Commerce Park Drive
> Oak Ridge, TN 37830
>Development Engineer Voice: (423)-482-3000
>Interactive Pictures Corp. FAX: (423)-482-5447
> -------------------------------------
>Any opinions stated herein are solely mine. In no way, shape,
>or form should they be construed as opinions of my employer.

| Erik Ohlin (760)438-8933 |
| Pacific Color fax:(760)438-8414 |
| 1916 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 100, Carlsbad, CA 92008 |
If quitters never win, and winners never quit,
what fool came up with, "Quit while you're ahead?"

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