[netatalk-admins] another snapshot

Subject: [netatalk-admins] another snapshot
From: a sun (asun@saul4.u.washington.edu)
Date: Wed Aug 04 1999 - 14:00:05 EDT

hi all,

i've made another snapshot available. this one should actually install
the man pages correctly. in addition, i made atalkd reveal a little
more information if it can't set itself up. so, here's the deal:
     1) i'm still waiting on a couple patches from various people. you
        know who you are.

     2) i would like "things are okay/not okay" reports for all the
        non-linux platforms (especially solaris 32/64-bit and netbsd).

        for the solaris 64-bit folks, use either the solaris compiler
        or gcc-2.95. i don't think that gcc has profiling support yet,
        so you'll probably need to work around that in the compilation
        of libatalk.

     3) if you're getting complaints about too many routes/iface with
        linux, atalkd will tell you what network range it tried (in
        the form of firstnet-lastnet). if you're running linux 2.2.x
        (2.3.x), and that range is less than 256 (4096), let me
        know. that would signify a screwup somewhere. however, if the
        range really is greater than those numbers, you've run into a
        linux-imposed limit. in those cases, ask yourself if there
        really is a reason why such a large net range is needed. if
        so, let me know.
        HINT: your answer is going to have to take into consideration
        the fact that each net number allows around 253 possible
        machines. with 2.2.x, that's about 64 thousand machines. with
        the 2.3.x limit, that's over a million machines. let's just
        say that the current linux appletalk routing code isn't
        designed to scale to large net ranges.


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