[netatalk-admins] OS 8.5+ and copying applications to shared filesystems

Subject: [netatalk-admins] OS 8.5+ and copying applications to shared filesystems
From: sam@shadow.org
Date: Mon Aug 16 1999 - 21:59:03 EDT

Hi again,
        I'm trying to make use of netatalk for our site and while I've
been quite successful using pre-asun2.1.4-35, I seem to have run into
some rather strange behavior.

        If I want to copy anything that MacOS recognizes as an
application, using OS 8.5 or higher, the file appears to transfer
properly but at the end the Mac shows me that the file couldn't be
coppied because "error type -50 occured". Looking through include/asp.h,
it would seem that all the error codes are -50##. Not especially useful
it seems.
        What is very strange (although perhaps not as strange as the
problem appearing in the first place) is that OS 8.1 seems to have no
trouble what-so-ever copying these applications over the network.

        My guess is that somewhere along the line, netatalk is trying
to assign some sort of file type information and is failing. I can't
seem to figure out where this is going on or why it would fail with 8.5
and succeed with 8.1. I'd appreciate any comments regarding similar

/* Sam */

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